Tirana Business Park

Tirana Business Park sh.p.k
Str. Ibrahim Rugova, Sky Tower 8/4
Phone: +355 4 44 15 156
Fax: +49 8723 20 34 28
Mobile: +355 69 40 57 334
Email: info@tiranabusinesspark.com
Website: www.tiranabusinesspark.com 
Business Profile

Tirana Business Park (TBP) is the largest real estate, foreign, private investment in Albania. It is located nearby the International Airport “Mother Theresa” in an area of 22 ha. By 2022, 17 buildings will be erected, with a total built up area of app. 176,500 m2 and 3600 parking spaces. TBP is divided in two main areas PDA (Project Development Area) and RA (Resale Area) each of them 110.000m2. PDA will be dedicated for offices, retail space, commercial areas, shops, food, storage, internal and external parking spaces and supporting services while the Resale Area will serve to any demand arising, so it is an area to be tailored to the needs of TBP’s customers.This ambitious, 100 million euro project is being implemented by Lindner Group of Germany.


The buildings will express an attractive architecture, a new excellent working location; a concept of a city within the city, nearby airport. It will represent a genuine concept of urbanism, architecture, landscape, traffic, and infrastructure for a premium business activity. At TBP sustainable architecture blends with nature, by bringing positive impact on users’ work-life balance; at the same time, high priority is given to the service provided and the premise facilities and flexibilities. In the first construction phase, three buildings with a gross floor area of approx. 39,000 square meters are currently under construction.


TBP is on its way to become one of the hot spots in SEE, by bringing together industries, entrepreneurial models and creative impulses.




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