FIAA hold its end of year Get Together in late November 2019, bringing together in a very warm atmosphere a large part of the Foreign Business Community, representatives of the diplomatic bodies along with several representatives of the Authorities and state institutions in the country.
The Deputy Chairman of FIAA, Mr. Mario Bracci and Executive Director Ms. Marinela Jazoj expressed some remarks and reflections on 2019 experiences and gratitude to the members who have trusted FIAA along the years and have stayed together for almost 20 years.
Among others, Mr. Bracci stated: “I would like to highlight that Government of Albania should increase the focus on the further improvement of the business climate, putting larger efforts on increasing transparency and decreasing corruption and unfair competition”.
On the other side, Mr. Eduard Shalsi, the Minister of State for the Protection of Entrepreneurship in Albania gave some remarks to the foreign business community and once more expressed his availability to cooperate and assist the foreign business and follow up with their concerns. For Mr. Shalsi it is very important the continuity of Communication with the Business Community.
The Event continued further with business talks among the guests and members and was a good timing to discuss the grounds and ideas for the 2020 Agenda.