The members of FIAA’s Energy Industry Council met on January 21st for their first meeting in 2025 to address some pressing concerns in the Energy Industry, in particular issues coming from the Electricity Producers and Traders in the country. The present members shared their concerns and stated the importance of discussions with the relevant Authorities.
FIAA holds its traditional event “Wishes for a Prosperous Business Year 2025”
The Foreign Investors Association of Albania (FIAA) held yesterday the yearly traditional event, a celebration which gathered the Foreign Business Community, the present International Institutions and highest Diplomatic Representatives in Albania, along with key Institutions in the country.
The Event was greeted by President Mr. Balazs Revesz and H.E Mr. Silvio Gonzato, Ambassador of the European Union Delegation to Albania, who addressed their greetings and messages towards the Foreign Business Community in the country.
Read More5G officially coming to Albania by our long standing member, Vodafone Albania
Wonderful news for Albania! 5G is now officially present in the country. Plenty of opportunities will arise with this presence for all citizens and companies active in Albania.
Congratulations for this achievement to our long-standing member Vodafone Albania and its leadership represented by its CEO Balazs Revesz!
Read more on this novelty here in LINK
Albania ForeignInvestors DigitalEconomy 5G Telecommunication
Read MoreBusiness Environment in Albania 2024 Survey Findings
Foreign Investors of Association Albania, jointly with Confindustria Albania, Italian Chamber of Commerce in Albania and Hellenic Business Association of Albania, officially launched the findings of the Business Environment in Albania Survey 2024.
FIAA’s representative Ms. Marinela Jazoj in the opening remarks thanked the partner business organizations collaborating for the conducting of the survey and the keynote speakers from the Government and EU for dedicating part of their agenda to the launching event.
Read MorePresentation of findings for Business Environment in Albania 2024 Survey
Tirana, 19 November 2024: Foreign Investors Association of Albania, Confindustria Albania, Italian Chamber of Commerce in Albania, Hellenic Business Association in Albania, presented the findings of the Business Environment in Albania Survey 2024, which was conducted during August – October 2024 with the foreign investor’s community in the country.
FIAA’s Tax Committee Meeting
The FIAA Tax Committee convened its regular meeting on November 20, to discuss on the latest key concerns on tax and finance. The present members analyzed some of the key findings from the recent FIAA Business Environment Survey 2024 and some other pending issues on taxes.
Part of the discussion were also a number of ambiguities in the Law “On Income Tax” and the relevant Guidelines, which are of particular importance to be improved. They agreed on following up most of the high ranked issues and the right approach with the tax authorities and the Ministry of Finance.
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FIAA Board Members meet with Minister of State and Chief Negotiator
In frame of the work initiated to prepare the 2025 edition of the “White Book”, FIAA Director Mrs. Marinela Jazoj and Deputy President Mr. Sokol Elmazaj met with the representative of the Minister of State and Chief Negotiator institution on November 18. This meeting aimed to explore and built bridges of cooperation among the two institutions, especially in the upcoming process of the preparation of the FIAA White Book chapters, by being aligned also with the EU approximation and integration process of the respective chapters by the Minister of State and Chief Negotiator. The 2025 FIAA White Book edition is expected to be a very useful tool for the Albanian institutions and other relevant users, as it will bring professional expertise from the know-how of the European companies within FIAA.
Read MoreFIAA participates the Meeting with EBRD Mission
Following the continuous collaboration with the EBRD, FIAA Director Mrs. Marinela Jazoj met with the delegation of EBRD representatives working on EBRD’s Country Strategy for Albania. The discussion included the key strategic priorities of the strategy and their alignment with the government agenda to target the biggest gaps in the country; touching base on the economic situation and political economy; discussing more on EBRD’s policy work and explore if there are avenues for future engagement. Mrs. Jazoj shared with the EBRD representatives some of the key concerns of the business community while doing business in Albania. She stressed that the importance of cooperation among all the stakeholders and focus on those key areas where reforms are necessary for the country business environment improvement.
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Meeting on Access to Finance – On the Improvement of Financial Instruments
The Investment Council held its 35th meeting which focused on the topic “Access to Finance – On the Improvement of Financial Instruments.” FIAA was represented in this meeting by its Board Member, Mr. Mirsad Haliti.
Read MoreFIAA’s Board Representatives visit the site of Bankers Petroleum Albania
At the occasion of the Open Days at Bankers Petroleum Albania, FIAA’s Board visited the Patos-Marinza oilfield, an asset under the development of the company. During the visit, HongPing Xiao, CEO of Bankers Petroleum, presented the company’s ongoing and upcoming projects, focusing on their commitment to both growth and sustainability.