Ongoing Meetings on Business recommendations coming from the White Book

Ongoing Meetings on Business recommendations coming from the White Book

June 21, 2022
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Following up the engagement of the Ministry of Finance and Economy to intervene for the improvement of the business climate in the country, during the months of April, May and June 2022 have been organized several technical working meetings with business community experts and professionals treating more than 80 concerns covering a wide range of laws on:  Tax, Hydrocarbons and Fiscal Regime, Fiscalization, Concessions, Renewable Energy, Pension Funds Law, Banking Regulatory Framework, etc.

During the discussions with experts on behalf of FIAA and the state Authorities involved, have been concluded on the White Book’s provided recommendations, while others have been closed as they no longer are relevant or are in process to be solved, along with many open status issues which require further consultation and technical discussions with cross ministerial Teams which will be hold in the following weeks and months. Business’ experts and consultants have started the consultation process also on another important law as it is the new draft on Income Law issued by the Ministry of Finance and Economy in mid-June 2022.