The members of FIAA’s Energy Industry Council met on January 21st for their first meeting in 2025 to address some pressing concerns in the Energy Industry, in particular issues coming from the Electricity Producers and Traders in the country. The present members shared their concerns and stated the importance of discussions with the relevant Authorities.
The main concerns were about: the non-rational tariffs which are charged to Producers of electricity in Albania from both local and central authorities; the lack of the internal balancing market and cost responsibility for imbalances during their operations.
The key players, members of FIAA also highlighted the urgent need for integration of electricity package as very crucial for energy market development in the country.
They also expressed their readiness to provide support and expertise based on right mechanisms and best international practices in addressing these industry’s challenges, by continuing active consultations with the government.
In the meantime, the Council has also been addressing these concerns to the Secretariat of Energy in Vienna and will follow up on the consultation process accordingly.
These improvements are very crucial for the sustainability of the investments in the energy sector and to ensuring contracts’ security and continuity for new investments in the long run.